The Many Lives of The Secret Historian

opens in a new windowSecret Historian Here are just a few of the images, objects, and papers that Sam Steward left behind when he died, and which I used in reconstructing his life in Secret Historian: The Life and Times of Samuel Steward, Professor, Tattoo Artist, and Sexual Renegade. The collection remains largely intact, and will hopefully go on display at the Museum of Sex in New York in February 2011, with a planned exhibition time of six months. Steward’s executor has not yet determined where the collection will go, but we hope that it will enter a special collections archive within the next few years. It has been a great honor to work with these materials over the past decade, and a pleasure to share some of them now with FSG readers.

–Justin Spring

All items courtesy of the Estate of Samuel M. Steward.

See Also: “Sexual Outlaw on the Gay Frontier,” New York Times

The 2010 National Book Awards